Things To Do in Lake Tahoe

You know all about our favorite wine, here are a few of our other favorite things to do in the area:



  • Captain’s Corner Tahoe and Pirate’s Chest Tahoe retail shops are the Grab and Go Markets at the Tahoe Keys Marina for beer, wine, snacks, sandwiches, non-alcoholic drinks, boating accessories, souvenirs, bachelorette party necessities and novelty items.

Guided Excursions:

Hiking and Exploring:


Fun Activities:

Restaurants and Libations:


๐ŸŒฅโœจ The beauty of an incoming storm in Lake Tahoe. Light rays danced for a good hour before the sun sank and the snow started falling.Credits: nathanielwise.Tag: #thegreatplanet
Glassy morning conditions, perfect for paddle boarding on Lake Tahoe.Credits: everchanginghorizon.Tag: #thegreatplanet
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